The Adult Ministry of Westhill exists to:

  • Help adults pursue God,
  • Build authentic community and
  • Unleash compassion.

Pastor Adam MacDonald gives leadership to the Adult Ministry of Westhill.  His current focus is on the following areas:

  1. Marriage – Undertaking to resource couples through teaching (workshops), Gather & Grow opportunities, mentorship and pre-marital counseling.
  2. Family & Parenting – Resourcing families as they raise their children with the tools to be resilient, well-grounded families. We will avail training and small groups to engage stay-at-home moms to be grounded in scripture. And, finally, we will equip create opportunities to nurture and contextualize their parenting skills through mentorship, networking, and learning opportunities.
  3. Life on life discipleship – A focus on mentorship, making discipleship the lifestyle of the church, training leaders, and resourcing people for life contexts.
  4. Small or Life groups – An emphasis on belonging, caring, teaching, adding a service component, stewardship, discerning, and applying our spiritual gifts.
  5. Sunday morning newcomers ministry – Engage creative ways to welcome and make visitors belong, connect, and transition into the life of the WPBC.

For more information, please contact Pastor Adam.